We're entering the final stretch of the semester the only way we know how... BIG!
MEET THE CANDIDATES: The next generation of USG is here and ready for election week! Come meet the candidates that will be the face of USG next year.
BROOKFEST: Are you ready to find out who's coming for this year's concert? Come by tonight and find out the headline artist will be here on April 14th + Giveaways!
Club Social: We're inviting all club eboards to join us for an evening of fun and prizes!
Candidates all around, club involvement on a night where the leaders from the student body step up and show out. You won't want to miss it!
All this will take place Monday, March 27th, 2023 from 6-9 PM in SAC Ballroom A.
Source: https://stonybrook.campuslabs.com/engage/event/8991431